Federal Govt flip-flopping must end
Australia can’t deal with climate change without updating its electricity system, the Australian Wind Alliance says.
National co-ordinator Andrew Bray said it has long been recognised that the lack of clear national climate change and energy policies is slowing Australia’s transition to renewable energy.
“The Prime Minister all but acknowledged this when he merged the energy and environment portfolios together after the election,” Mr Bray said.
“Years of flip-flopping and policy u-turns have left the new Minister with a policy basket-case.
“The onus is on the new Minister to put in place clear steps to transition Australia to 100 per cent renewable energy as quickly as possible.”
The Climate Institute has today released a new report showing Australians’ support for action on climate change and renewables is the strongest it’s been in nearly a decade. The Climate of the Nation report says seven out of 10 Australians think the Federal Government should take a leading role in driving action on climate change.
Mr Bray says the price of wind power has dropped by over 50% in the last five years, clearly making it Australia’s cheapest new electricity source.