Media release

Political Madness: Renewables ready to plug in

Three thousand six hundred megawatts of new wind and solar farms are ready to play their part in replacing the 1680 MW capacity of Liddell power station when it closes in 2022, the Australian Wind Alliance said.

National coordinator of the Australian Wind Alliance, Andrew Bray says more than 1,000 MW of wind and solar are being built in New South Wales with a further 2,600 MW of projects approved and ready to go (see figures below).

“Cheap renewables combined with modern solutions like batteries and demand management will keep the system reliable and lower power bills,” Mr Bray said.

“New wind and solar farms will generate power at different times in different parts of the state so their output is highly predictable and dependable”.

“And speedy one to two-year construction periods mean these projects can be up and running by 2022.”

The government’s inability to put politics aside and support the transition to clean energy is the real reason much of the country risks blackouts this summer.

The government’s obsession with coal and schoolyard name calling is putting politics ahead of Australian households, while power bills continue to rise.

“You can’t fix engineering problems with politics.” Mr Bray said.

“The worst response to spiralling energy bills and a fragile system would be to prop up an old clunker like Liddell.”

“Liddell is the oldest and least reliable plant in Australia’s energy grid. It failed during the February heat wave in NSW at a time when it was needed most.”


NSW Wind and solar projects

Under construction

5 wind farms – 867 MW

5 solar farms – 210 MW

Total – 1077 MW



11 Wind Farms – 1547 MW

17 Solar Farms – 1115 MW

Total – 2677 MW


Approved Wind Farms

Project Developer WTG MW
Capital II Infigen Approved Southern Tablelands 41 90
Flyers Creek Infigen Approved Central Tablelands 42 145
Coppabella Goldwind Approved Southern Tablelands 79 266
Biala Newtricity Approved Southern Tablelands 31 100
Conroy’s Gap Epuron Approved Southern Tablelands 15 30
Rye Park Tilt Approved Southern Tablelands 92 276
Boco Rock II CWP Renewables Approved Southern Tablelands 55 93.5
Collector RATCH Approved Southern Tablelands 63 214
Glen Innes Nexif Approved Northern Tablelands 25 75
White Rock 2 Goldwind Approved Northern Tablelands 49 122.5
Crudine Ridge CWP Renewables Approved Central Tablelands 77 135
TOTAL 11 569 1547


Approved Solar Farms

Project Region MW
Bomen Solar Energy System Riverina 22
Capital Solar South East 50
Gidginbung Solar Farm Riverina 15
Goonumbla Solar Farm Central West 70
Gullen Solar Farm South East 10
Gunnedah Solar Farm North West 27
Kyoto Energy Park Hunter 137
Limondale Solar Western 250
Metz Solar Park Northern Tablelands 100
Moree Solar Farm and Subdivision North West 4
Narromine Solar PV Farm Central West 11
Nevertire Solar Central West 105
Riverina Solar Riverina 30
Sunraysia Solar Western 200
Walgett North West 30
Western plains Solar Energy System Central West 29
Molong Solar Farm Central Tablelands 25
Total 1115


Data compiled with assistance from Nature Conservation Council NSW.



Media inquiries: Greg Muller, 0414 654 288,


The Australian Wind Alliance is a community-based advocacy group of farmers, wind workers, small businesses and residents. We share a common vision of harnessing Australia’s world-class wind resources to power our homes, cities and industries with clean renewable energy. Go to for details.