Media release

South Australian Government applauded for taking the lead on carbon emissions

THE South Australian Government’s decision to cut the state’s carbon emissions to zero by 2050 will create a much-needed boost in the renewable energy industry, the Australian Wind Alliance says.

The Alliance’s national co-ordinator Andrew Bray says the policy promises to lower power bills and create jobs in the state.

“Wind energy is already generating over 30% of South Australia’s demand with zero fuel cost and this is keeping power prices down,” Mr Bray said.

“South Australia has led the way in showing that more renewable energy leads to more jobs, particularly in the regional areas that host wind farms.”

Mr Bray says other states should follow South Australia’s lead to share in the benefits of green energy.

 “Australia has world class wind and solar resources and this policy opens the way for us to make the most of them.

“The South Australian Government has listened to what people want and other governments should follow suit.”

 Mr Bray says South Australia’s move is also a wake-up call to the Federal Government.

It comes as the Climate Council releases a new report showing the world is embracing an energy revolution, where global clean energy investment has grown 43% in the last five years alone.

“The Federal Government’s recent attack on renewable energy and cuts to the renewable energy target spooked investors here and that’s estimated to have cost Australia $5-6 billion in lost investment to 2020,” Mr Bray said.

“The Federal Government must follow South Australia’s lead and accept the world is changing.”

Media: For interviews, comments or further information contact Zoe Edwards at Climate Media Centre on 0400 144 794 or