Veterinarian and Public Health Specialist Queensland
Dr Guyan Weerasinghe is a veterinarian who believes we need to be proactive about preparing for the impacts of climate change on animal health.
The former President of the Australian Veterinarian Association’s Public Health interest group, he has held roles as a District Veterinarian for Greater Sydney Local Land Services, worked with RSPCA NSW and was also a dairy veterinarian in NZ. He locums occasionally through a company called VetPeople.
Guyan sees climate change as a global issue impacting animal welfare. He takes pride in being a spokesperson on animal health and welfare and engaged in calling for meaningful action through the development of the Australian Veterinarian Association’s climate change position statement.
Based in the Sunshine Coast, Guyan has two RSPCA adopted pets, a cat named Glen Coco and a three-legged French bulldog named Furiosa.